So, yesterday was my daddy's birthday! So, here are his top 5! :)
5) Dad is a modern day Renaissance man. He seriously can do anything he puts his mind to. He is an excellent painter, photographer, snorkeler, mathematician, athlete, politician, etc.
4) He is a hard worker. He always works his hardest to ensure that we are comfortable and have food on the table.
(Here he is, fishing for our dinner ^_^)
3) He rarely likes to do the same thing twice, and because of it I know the roads in Tennessee better than half the population, I have never been to Disneyland, I have seen more obscure movies from the 70s and 80s than probably anyone who was born in that era, and I have a whole collection of crazy stories.
2) My dad is an excellent story teller. Half of my memories involve being crowded around a campfire, listening to scary stories or funny things he did as a kid.
(He's the one in the plaid shirt in the middle-ish)
1) My dad loves us. He is always taking us to do different things and likes to hang out with us. I am so grateful for a loving father.
Honorable mention: My dad has an amazing sense of humor. He always has smart alec comments or a witty anecdote up his sleeve.
So, happy birthday father! I love you so much and hope that you enjoy your 25th year of life! ;)