Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bon anniversaire à mon père!

So, yesterday was my daddy's birthday! So, here are his top 5! :)

5) Dad is a modern day Renaissance man. He seriously can do anything he puts his mind to. He is an excellent painter, photographer, snorkeler, mathematician, athlete, politician, etc.

4) He is a hard worker. He always works his hardest to ensure that we are comfortable and have food on the table.

(Here he is, fishing for our dinner ^_^)

3) He rarely likes to do the same thing twice, and because of it I know the roads in Tennessee better than half the population, I have never been to Disneyland, I have seen more obscure movies from the 70s and 80s than probably anyone who was born in that era, and I have a whole collection of crazy stories.

2) My dad is an excellent story teller. Half of my memories involve being crowded around a campfire, listening to scary stories or funny things he did as a kid.

(He's the one in the plaid shirt in the middle-ish)

1) My dad loves us. He is always taking us to do different things and likes to hang out with us. I am so grateful for a loving father.

Honorable mention: My dad has an amazing sense of humor. He always has smart alec comments or a witty anecdote up his sleeve.

So, happy birthday father! I love you so much and hope that you enjoy your 25th year of life! ;)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fun with Photoshop!

So, me and this gal

scrimped and saved until we could buy this:

and let me tell you,
I have been having the time of my life.

Just look what I did to my sister!

(in case you couldn't tell, she is a vampire. Click on it to make it bigger)
I did this in about 5 minutes, so it's not very good, but never mind that! The fact is, I now have photoshop in my possession! Muhahahaha!
(If you were ever mean to me, you now have cause to fear. I can make you really fat and pimply. Muhahaha!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to Megan!!!

So, Megan's birfday was saturday!!! Here are her top 5!
5) Megan is always happy. Every time I've seen her, she is always smiling and it makes everyone around her smile too.

4) Megan has awesome tastes in music and movies. You can always count on her to pick something good out!

3) She is always willing to have fun and do silly things. It's so much better than a stick-in-the-mud! :)

2) Megan is a great actress. Remember that movie we made? 'nuff said

1) Megan is sweet. I rarely heard her bad-talk about anyone, and was quite understanding even if I did it. She is super nice and I'm glad to have her as my friend!

Anyways, happy b-day Megan and I hope you enjoy your fifteenth year! Love ya!

Friday, March 11, 2011

To Prom or not to Prom?

The bane of every teenage girl's existence is coming up...

On a side note, look at the pretty pictures of the dresses that I admire! :D

I didn't really like the length on this one, but I loved the print. :)

And finally, I leave you with the advice of the awesome Sister Stolworthy:
Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them!