Sunday, October 31, 2010


What is wrong with Halloween-ers (or more correctly, halloweenies) this year?!

Let me explain.

I am getting a little too old to be trick or treating, so I usually mooch off my siblings and take their Jawbreakers, my one weakness (wink), because they hate them and I love them.

But this year they are nowhere to be seen. They didn't have a single one in their buckets. Not one!
What's going down is people would probably sue them for giving out jawbreaks 'cause little Johnny would actually try to bite the candy and break his jaw in the process. As if the name is warning enough. :)

I am so disappointed in our society.

Adieu, Delicious Jawbreakers.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wisdom of Iroh Wednesday

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but it's just so sad!"

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Law of Guessing

So, my parents need to learn the law of guessing.

When a child comes up to you and asks you to guess, say, what they got on a test in school that day. Always guess low. If you guess high, and they really got lower than that, then the surprise is ruined because nothing can match up to that! Plus, the child than feels bad because they can't meet their parents' obviously too high expectations. ;)

For example:
Me: Dad! Guess how many people came to the festival at my work?!
Dad: 1000?
Me: ...It was only 600. :(
Don't you see how tragic that is?!
P.S. I still love you mom and dad, despite your flawed guessing skills. ^_^

Thursday, October 21, 2010

On the Issue of a Recent Post

So, I dearly hope that I haven't given the wrong impression of me.
In one of my earlier posts, "One of those days", I didn't want it to come off as a "Woe is me" post where I was having a self-pity fest. ^_^
I probably should have used a better quote. Like "Nobody wants you to be miserable, so you might as well be happy", or something like that.
I really don't go fishing for pity, I promise!
I love you all, and I love life very much. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wisdom of Iroh Wednesday

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame."

Monday, October 18, 2010


Let me give you a list of firsts that have happened to me today.

1) I played frisketball with a return missionary (And it somehow turned into rugby!)
1) I spent a sonic gift card
1) I bought some pansies

Oh yeah...I almost forgot...I may have, accidentally, got in my first car wreck today.

Fortunately, it was a small accident (I hit some one's mailbox) and nobody was hurt. Still, it was fairly traumatizing. My heart goes out to all those other mailbox haters out there. It's a terrible thing to feel.

Now you may ask, is there anything either party could have done to prevent this? And to this I say yes, yes there is. I am just going to travel by bus from now on.

Wish me luck. ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One of those Days

Today was one of those days. 'nuff said.

Therefore, I am cheering myself up by looking at beautiful things. This picture caught my eye. :)

"Nobody really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy."
Story of my life. ^_^

Friday, October 8, 2010


Why, yes. I do have a sister.

Apparently, people at school have never heard of the concept of siblings looking like one another. For the last two months, at least once a day, someone has come up to me/Sammy and freaked out.

For example, this is how a conversation with me goes:

Person 1: OMG! Do you have a sister?!

Me: Yeah!

Person 1: You guys look sooooooooooo alike! It's almost supernatural!

Me: Really? That's pretty unnatural.

Person 1: I know!

This is a conversation with my sister:

Person 1: Hey! Is Sarah your sister?


Person 1: 0_o Okayyyyyyy....

I tell you this only because I made this mistake today and now know how Person 1 feels. I had to retake a chemistry test the other day after school, and while I was doing so, lo and behold, a boy who looked just like another kid in my class walks in. After several minutes of staring at him, I moved on.

Until today.

Conversation today in Chemistry:

*I walk into class, and see other boy; recognizing the fact that they looked alike, I walk towards him*

Me: Hey! Do you have a brother?

Guy in Class (G.I.C.): ...yeah...

Me: Cool! I saw him the other day after school. You guys look a lot alike.

G.I.C.: Has no one here ever heard of the fact that siblings look alike? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? I mean come on, you think someone would have learned the power of genetics and DNA by now!

Me: Sorry....I only had the best of intentions....

Consider myself reprimanded.


Thursday, October 7, 2010


Rugby conditioning has begun! (Well, it's actually been in existence for a few weeks, but I am just now mentioning it)

This be what I am getting myself into:

This was one of my better tackles. Seriously.

despite how painful rugby looks, it's worth it because of
studly men like this one:

Go watch "Forever Strong." You won't be disappointed. ^_^

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wisdom of Iroh Wednesday

"Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love."

Blogging, yes?

I have beget a blog. Quite exciting really. Now, you all (or y'all, if I wanted to give a shout out to my homeland) will get to hear about the exciting adventures and whimsical moments in the life of Sarah Knott. (Not that you haven't heard enough of them before...oh well.) This shall be a grand adventure!

I do, however, find it quite ironic that I keep telling myself that I wish to talk about myself less, and yet I have started a blog where all I do is talk about myself. 0_o

Cette fille parle beaucoup, n'est-ce pas? ^_^

And so it begins!