Friday, October 8, 2010


Why, yes. I do have a sister.

Apparently, people at school have never heard of the concept of siblings looking like one another. For the last two months, at least once a day, someone has come up to me/Sammy and freaked out.

For example, this is how a conversation with me goes:

Person 1: OMG! Do you have a sister?!

Me: Yeah!

Person 1: You guys look sooooooooooo alike! It's almost supernatural!

Me: Really? That's pretty unnatural.

Person 1: I know!

This is a conversation with my sister:

Person 1: Hey! Is Sarah your sister?


Person 1: 0_o Okayyyyyyy....

I tell you this only because I made this mistake today and now know how Person 1 feels. I had to retake a chemistry test the other day after school, and while I was doing so, lo and behold, a boy who looked just like another kid in my class walks in. After several minutes of staring at him, I moved on.

Until today.

Conversation today in Chemistry:

*I walk into class, and see other boy; recognizing the fact that they looked alike, I walk towards him*

Me: Hey! Do you have a brother?

Guy in Class (G.I.C.): ...yeah...

Me: Cool! I saw him the other day after school. You guys look a lot alike.

G.I.C.: Has no one here ever heard of the fact that siblings look alike? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? I mean come on, you think someone would have learned the power of genetics and DNA by now!

Me: Sorry....I only had the best of intentions....

Consider myself reprimanded.



  1. You guys look a lot alike in that picture. As far as siblings looking alike goes, have you ever noticed Seth and Sawyer look absolutely nothing alike? I'm just sayin' ...

  2. Hey Sarah, I know what you mean, I get "Wow, you guys look so much a like" A LOT!!!:)I kind of like it though:)LOL
