Monday, October 25, 2010

The Law of Guessing

So, my parents need to learn the law of guessing.

When a child comes up to you and asks you to guess, say, what they got on a test in school that day. Always guess low. If you guess high, and they really got lower than that, then the surprise is ruined because nothing can match up to that! Plus, the child than feels bad because they can't meet their parents' obviously too high expectations. ;)

For example:
Me: Dad! Guess how many people came to the festival at my work?!
Dad: 1000?
Me: ...It was only 600. :(
Don't you see how tragic that is?!
P.S. I still love you mom and dad, despite your flawed guessing skills. ^_^


  1. Haha, I'm lucky to not have that problem. My mom expects the lowest-of-the-low from me. When I say "Guess what?" She's always says something like "You got arrested?" or "You failed your test?"

    Oh mother.... ;)

  2. When ever I say guess what to my parents they always says, "You love me!" and then I say "I do, but that's not what I was going to say." When they first said that to me I said no, and then they got this sad look on their faces and I felt bad.

    Parents, what are you going to do with them!

  3. I'm usually pretty good at taking a low guess, but you caught me when I was distracted and gave the first number that popped into my head.

    Guessing weight and test scores are dangerous ones to even take a low guess at.

  4. I know how that is...
    And I heard you were hanging out with Drew at the festival. He said you guys were buddies for the day. I kept asking him if he knew you and then on Monday he came in and said "Guess what? I met Sarah from Independence this weekend."
    I feel like two people I know who should have met have finally met. :)
