Thursday, October 21, 2010

On the Issue of a Recent Post

So, I dearly hope that I haven't given the wrong impression of me.
In one of my earlier posts, "One of those days", I didn't want it to come off as a "Woe is me" post where I was having a self-pity fest. ^_^
I probably should have used a better quote. Like "Nobody wants you to be miserable, so you might as well be happy", or something like that.
I really don't go fishing for pity, I promise!
I love you all, and I love life very much. :)


  1. We know you don't go fishing for pity. But sometimes you DO have one of thoughs days and people try and cheer you up!

    And I love you too!

  2. Oh, please, Sarah. Everyone deserve to complain a little, especially on THOSE days. Megan and I don't mind, do we? Like she said, we want to cheer you up!

    I love you more than Mother Fork does, BTW. ;)

  3. And that is were you are wronge Nina! For I love Sarah far more than you will ever love her! So there!

    and yes I love cheering people up!

  4. You are the 'wronge' one Megan! I love her so much that my love hurricanes from the sky whether we are apart or near! You simply drizzle with love when you are close, which is not nearly as intense.(like Lehi. Get it??)

    So HA!

  5. My love for Sarah only drizzles when I am close because I filled her with SO MUCH love I had to save 20 orphans from a burning building and rescue all the homeless puppies in the state of TX (while painting a picture of Sarah being filled with my love)! And when I am once again full I fill thirteen empty caves in Africa and if you have see Planet Earth you know how big those things are!
