Friday, November 19, 2010

Guilty Pleasure...

Being the music elitist that I am, I should not like this band. At all.

But I do.
This band is Roxette!

Ah, Roxette. You crack me up.


  1. Sarah! Did you NOT see the NAKED statues?! If you did, I will have to refer you to the conversation me and Nina had about movies/pictures of nude people. It not good.

    But I like the song. :)

    That lady is kinda weird looking.

  2. Dear Sarah, I decided that this song replaces Bella Luna on my number #1 awesome song that sammy loves. I LOVE THIS SONG. So.. yeah... hehe.

  3. Oh Sarah, this is too funny! We all have guilty pleasures. Mine is this link right here...

    I love it!!! AND, ps.I was a HUGE Roxette fan in the 9th grade. Don't tell anyone. -Sis Fitz

  4. What's wrong with liking Roxette? I grew up with this band!! Oh, maybe that's what's wrong...for you. :)
