Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Larkford to Candlerise

So, I finished season 1 of this show, and to be honest, I don't get all the hype surronding it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good show, very heartfelt and warming, but I don't feel a burning passion/desire to watch it.

Please don't kill me. ^_^

On a side note, I thought this picture was hilarious.


  1. Well, your mother is crazy obsessed. And it continues to get better each season. I only have 2 episodes left of season 3...!

  2. Seriously, the first season isn't nearly as good as the second season. Mostly because of a certain male figure, but I won't give anything away.

    Plus, it's just fun to debate. Even if you don't care about it, the arguements afterwards are SO entertaining. :D

  3. Oh Nina. You always let your feelings for him get so carried away. (ALMOST THERE!!!)
    But indeed the arguments are quite fun. You can't deny that.

  4. They might be just as fun as actually watching the show.
    And my feelings never get carried away!!! (jk)

  5. WHATEVER. You would leave the Candlford Post Office in 3 seconds if he so much as glanced in your direction.
    And...I'm really not liking the long hair on him. It's like the opposite of Zuko. He's just a short-hair kinda guy.

  6. SO what if I would? You said that if you love someone, you'd be willing to make sacrifices to be with them. SO that just proves it. Ha.

    I agree, but you learn to ignore it whenever he talks. Sigh....

    And ANYTHING looks better than the shaved-head-with-a-ponytail look.

  7. You better not let your mom hear you dissing Candlestick to langford!

  8. What did HE ever sacrifice for her? Eh?
    And how could I let anything distract me from his voice? I'm sure it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

  9. He was going to give up his entire life for her, but then he was talked out of it! So now it's Laura's turn to give everything away for him!

    (Maybe he gave up haircuts for her. Just sayin')
