Friday, December 24, 2010

Kids say the darndest things

We finally arrived in Utah last night, and as usual, I was set to babysit my younger cousins while the adults went out for some quality bonding time. Not that I mind, because I get to hear silly things like this:

"Don't mess with me! I have a loose tooth!"

And this:

*huge gasp* "Seth's a DEACON?!"

And a little bit of this:

Ah, time with the Knott fam never gets old.


  1. Oh Sarah. Your cousins sound an awful lot like mine. At Thanksgiving the one thing I heard a thousand times was, after days of my playing with these kids, "What's your name again?"
    Little kids are SO funny!!

  2. I love little kids! They say suck funny things without really meaning to! I think that's why it's so funny when they say it and when we say it, people just stare. :)
