Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

"You know, it could be a girl in a bikini on the hood of a camaro, but no. It's me on the hood of a tractor."

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So I just noticed that all of the special things I had done to my blog are gone! Why is this? I had it totally decked out! Even the fonts were changed!

So, since everything has apparently been know what this means?


Expect it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ah, the month of February.

Love is in the air, the birds are singing, and one of the most hated and most loved of all holidays is coming up! So to honor this controversial holiday, I have complied a list of pick-up lines for your amusement. (Also, if you want to use them to pick up a date for V-day (not to be confused with Victory in Europe day) then go right ahead!)

Is your name virtue? 'Cause you've been garnishing my thoughts unceasingly.
If you were words on a page, you'd be what they'd call "fine print"!

Can I have your number? I lost mine.
Can I have directions? (Where?) To your heart!
You remind me of the fruit from Lehi's dreams. Most precious above all.
My Liahona pointed to you.

Haven't we met like the pre-existence?

Hey! What's your name? Hmmm...I think that's the same name that's in my patriarchal blessing!
Do you go to EFY? 'Cause I'm Especially For You!

And my personal favorite....

I'm sorry, but the 13th Article of Faith requires me to ask you out.
(If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praisworthy, we seek after these things)