Monday, May 9, 2011


So, I have been pretty thirsty lately. I have been going to the water fountains a lot, and I casually mentioned I've been thirsty a lot and this is what the girl said back to me:

"Maybe you are turning into a fish. I've heard of that happening before."

Thinking she's joking, I laugh and kind of pass it off. She then looked at me and said:

"I'm serious. I read in the national enquirer."



  1. WOW! If she's read it in the national enquirer it must be true!

    I read on the Internet that, if you truly believe in yourself, you can shoot lasers out of your eyes and fly! How great is that?

  2. Oh public school.... I'm so glad I never have to go there. :)

  3. Don't you remember that movie "Thirteenth Year"? Where this kid got really thirsty, then on his birthday, he turned into a Merman.
    If you turn into Mermaid, can we come visit?
