Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just LAUGH already!

Is it just me, or is there this overwhelming pressure to be amusing and clever and witty and whimsical in blogs?
I just can't do it! ^_^

So, I am going to write in a very boring manner today.

I am sick. I feel crummy. I didn't get to go to school today. I missed 3 tests that I have to make up tomorrow. I really should be working on my chemistry honors portfolio (that's due tomorrow), but I really can't bring myself to do it.

But, there is a bright light at the end of this gruesome tunnel. PSYCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this show. A lot. It's making me feel better as I write.
I am going to marry Shawn Spencer. Just so you know.


  1. Sorry Sarah, you could NEVER be boring! BTW, I love that show as well. I never know when it's coming on, but get really excited when it does. Super funny!

    I hope you feel better soon!!!- Sis Fitz

  2. Sis Fitz is right! You could NEVER be boring. Don't feel pressured. We all think you're hilarious, just the way you are. :)

    I need to watch that. I've heard good things about it.

  3. Goodness-to-golly-gosh-heavens-to-Betsy! I am SO very, terribly sorry that you are feeling yucky-blucky! That always SUCKS! (I wanted to make it sound happy because this post is kind of sad)

    I LOVE THAT SHOW! I watched the new episode this morning, it made me laugh! I love how Shawn always makes up a new name for Guss! I also liked how he said "if you don't calm down I will be forced to taze you in the face."
    That was so FUNNY!

  4. Aw THANKS guys! I'm feeling better already. :)

  5. Did you know that there is a pineapple in every episode? I just learned that and I'm so excited to watch it and look for the pineapple!
