Thursday, December 9, 2010

my new secret obsession

So....who here has heard of the Whiffenpoofs?
If you haven't, you are missing out. Please watch the below clip.
I know it's incredibly dorky, but I love these guys! I was CRUSHED when they were eliminated. It's because there were too many straight white guys from Yale. :(
But, that's a different story.
Anyways, I am the new #1 fan of the WHIFFENPOOFS!
Check out their website. Read their biographies. They are hilarious.
(and yes, that was three commands in a row.)
P.S. The lead singer is my favorite Whiffenpoof. For now.


  1. Sweet! They were my favorite toooo! The redhead reminded me of Calvin for some reason.

  2. Holy Cow that was awesome! lol :D

  3. Hehehe, that is awesome! And I think their name is pretty much genius.

    And I love this song. It makes me so happy. :)

  4. I love to see guys sing high notes, it's funny. It's one of the reasons I like the Jonas Brothers!

    WAIT! There were TO MANY straight white guys?! The straight cute ones can come and sing at my house if they like. ;)

  5. Being straight white guys was there downfall

  6. I love The Sing Off! I like them just because of their name.

  7. Sarah, that was fun. Have you ever heard of BYU Vocal Point group? They are amazing, they sang this song too they did a good job, you should look them up on YouTube.
    P.S. I miss you SO MUCH!!!
