Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Christmas List
Would you like to know what I want for Christmas?
I am afraid that, recently, things have been shifting in a radically uncomfortable way. Atheists everywhere have been putting up billboards attacking the Christmas season, the Smithsonian has put up an offensive art exhibit during the Christmas season specifically about homosexual erotica, Gay and lesbians everywhere have been desecrating things, that to me and most of America, are sacred, and people get angry at others when they wish them a Merry Christmas, even taking it as far as to sue them. And yet, Christians are not allowed to say anything back.
I’m afraid that I do not understand this double standard that has been put in place. If others can go so far as to put up an ant-covered picture of my Savior and call it art, should I not at least be able to exercise my freedoms and not have my tax dollars spent to fund something that is unfairly biased towards a group of people?
I am not against freedom of religion. I am not against freedom of speech. I am all for people living their lives the way they want. I am not about to take away someone’s free will.
But I want the same for me and my fellow Christians. If everyone else is allowed to live the way they want, then I should be able to as well. I do not like this double standard of them forcing the way they live down my throat while I cannot even wish someone a Merry Christmas.
If they have the freedom to hate, the freedom to lie, the freedom to abhor, then should I not have the freedom to celebrate Christmas without ten thousand Atheists condemning me?
Please help me to understand why this is the way it is.
That is all I ask for Christmas.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Happy Sunday!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy Birthday to Jason!
Here is a list of some of the awesome traits of Jason to commemorate his 18th birthday! (I also have to apologize for not having any good pictures of him...)
4. Jason is clever as helk. (^_^) He honestly can keep one laughing forever, and in these days, laughing is priceless! I remember once at EFY he and his group of friends had an awesome song prepared, but alas, the judges thought something wrong with it, but still wanted them to perform. So, in less than a day, he had written an entirely new song (a parody, which is hard) and it was just as hilarious as the other one.
3. Jason is an excellent dancer. Any stake dance he went to was automatically like an awesome round of DDR! (Dance Dance Revolution) And, have you ever seen his YC video from TX? ...He is a good dancer, to say the least. ^_^
2. He follows the council of the prophets that say to date, which is more than (almost) any other young man can say. Way to go, Jason! Girls everywhere applaud you for your creativity and sincerity.
1. And to top it all off, Jason is one of the kindest people I know. He is one of the most sincere and genuine people out there. He always has something nice to say about everyone and it's not empty flattery, which is very important. So, Happy 18th Jason! I hope it's everything you hoped it would be!
*Honorable mention: Jason has a legendary tantoo. I've never actually seen it, but I've heard that it's spectactular. ^_^
P.S. I am going to do this for everyone's birthday, so please help me to remember your birthdays!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Guilty Pleasure...
But I do.
Ah, Roxette. You crack me up.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
An Ode to 5 A.M.*

Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Tale of Waffle the Wafflist
Once upon a time there was a waffle named Waffle. He worshiped the Maple Syrup Goddess. He liked to bathe at her temple of Maple Syrup, when the sun was at its peak. One day, however, the syrup spring was all dried up. The waffle felt as if he could not go on. He pulled out butter and a knife, prepared to take his life.
Suddenly, brown light flooded the temple. Waffle looked up to see three ugly breakfast demons stealing away his lovely Maple Syrup Goddess. Waffle ran out of the desolate temple, hoping to catch the evil villains in the act, when suddenly the temple exploded, sending chunks of pancakes everywhere. Waffle was thrown to the ground. Waffle groaned in pain and looked up in surprise to see the messenger god, Bagel. He told Bagel all that he had seen. Bagel told Waffle that he had witnessed the horrible act that had his sister, the Maple Syrup Goddess, hurt and struggling to live! Bagel asked for the young waffle’s help to destroy the demons who did this. Waffle gladly agreed, for anyone who hurt his Goddess was surely an enemy of his.
The waffle began preparing to go hunt down the Demons. He packed an endless supply of French Toast Sticks Swords and every kind of syrup known to waffles, and some known to man. He then met Bagel again at the destroyed temple where Bagel transported him to the Land of the Over-Toasted. Waffle was very nervous. He could sense the first demon near. He could not fail his Goddess now.
So, Bagel and Waffle set out on a fantastical adventure to hunt for the first Demon that’s great for a story plot. Lots of splendorous journeys ensued. Like, for example, they set down the gorge of Toaster, where scolding hot volcanoes erupted from the walls. They also passed through the sea of Milk and vanquished one of the Demons, the Sea monster named Cereal.
With their confidence boosted, they set out to slay the second demon, a strip of bacon named Hickory Smoked. They hurried to the land of Breakfast Meats to slay the second demon, which they did in record time. Now all that was left was the third and final demon. The one that held the Maple Syrup Goddess.
The final demon, a cantaloupe named Sir Loupe rested at the top of Fruitpine Mountain to the west. They carried on their quest past the plains of whole grain wheat, and over the Sausage Link Bridge. The warriors were tired when they reached the mountain, but they were determined. Bagel finally remembered that he had legs and started walking again, which greatly eased Waffle’s load. Slowly, they climbed, munching on grape pebbles when they stopped. Suddenly, a scream was echoed throughout the valley. Waffle flipped out and Bagel had a conniption, but they darted up the rest of the mountain. They dodged past boiling pits of oil and sharpened bacon spears. Bagel valiantly slew many muffin-goons.
The two quickly burst into the mountaintop castle only to see the Maple Syrup goddess tied to a fork. Waffle bravely drew his French toast stick sword and began dueling with Sir Loupe. He quickly leaped into action, swinging his French toast stick sword with vengeance. Meanwhile, Bagel fought against an old romantic flame of his, Miss Crescent Roll. He did not want to fight her, but he had to save his sister. Their battles shook the castle walls. Waffle’s syrup slice attacked destroyed the throne, and Bagel’s rolling roll attack crumbled a wall to dust. Their battles kept growing in intensity, until the doors flew open and a gust of wind blew threw the castle. Everyone stopped fighting and turned to see what all the hoopla was about.
There, standing in the threshold, was the High God of all Breakfastdome, Spork. Everyone shielded their eyes from his spoon and fork glory. Spork stood mightily against the light, and with a swipe of his Spork-staff, caused a fountain of milk to erupt from underneath Sir Loupe, sending him flying into the main chamber. Waffle bolted after him and ended him with a just and true swing of his blade.
The demon cried out in pain, sparks and explosions going off behind him. Waffle shielded his eyes from the spectacle. When Waffle finally removed his hand, he saw that all that was left of his former enemy, Sir Loupe, was his seed. Waffle started cheering and ran back out to the main chamber to free the Maple Syrup Goddess. As he released her, she gave him a very sticky hug and a kiss on the cheek. Waffle, Bagel, and Spork starting yelling as the Maple Syrup Goddess sent a flood of maple syrup out of her fingers to go forth and heal the lands. But, not all was over. Suddenly, the ground shook and lifted, tossing the other three to the floor. The Maple Syrup Goddess, luckily, escaped to the heavens.
The castle exploded loudly, sending a shock wave that blew away the clouds. Bagel stared in horror; his worst fears were confirmed. A megazoid of Sir Loupe appeared out if the rubble, with Miss Crescent Roll on its shoulder. Waffle screamed a girly scream and was promptly slapped by Spork. “Get a hold of yourself, Waffle! I have seen this all before on a strange human T.V. show.” Waffle looked up at him in horror. “But all monsters are different, Lord Spork!” Spork laughed heartily and slapped Waffle on the back.“Not in Power Rangers they aren’t! Now, c’mon!”
The two gods leapt into action, tackling the supremely obvious weak points. Waffle followed, nervous, a few moments later. They quickly jumped around the beast and distracted it, leaving it’s face open to a blast the Waffle-Sword, wielded by Spork. With a great nimbleness, Bagel disabled one of the monster’s arms with a Butterbomb. Then, with an extra burst of courage, finished the beast with his greatest and most powerful attack: the Boysenberry Triple Slice. As the beast roared in pain, Waffle was blown back and over the cliff side, the monster toppling after him…
Spork, thinking quickly, threw his Spork-staff after him. It caught Waffle and flew him back up to the two Gods. Waffle grinned weakly and fainted into their arms. Spork and Bagel laughed and took off to the heavens, where Waffle would be crowned a hero. And that he was.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Oh, Persephone!

YUM! Doesn't that just make you want to dig in?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
This is the coolest music video ever!!!!!!!!!!! It is made entirely from lite-brites! I had to share this with you guys partly because it is a spiritual song, and also because it is just so darn awesome.
Wisdom of Iroh Wednesday

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Happy Sunday!
In church today, we had our lesson on Gratitude, and since Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, I thought this MormonMessage was fitting. :)
I seriously love my church. To learn more about it, go here: lds.org
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Double Date
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wisdom of Iroh Wednesday
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Larkford to Candlerise
Please don't kill me. ^_^
On a side note, I thought this picture was hilarious.